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Thank You, Donors and Partners!
Your generosity made 2023 our best year yet.

Darel Keith & Martha Aderholt
Lawrence Alexander
Jana Sanderson Alicia Wadle
Clint Allen
Keith & Richard Allen
Nellie Almaguer
Hoang Phan & Thong Tran
Barbara & Gary Anderson
Karen Ellen & Brian Anderson
Martha Anderson
William Anderson
Matthew & Shannon Annen
Larry & Christine Apperson
Toby Ardoyno
Linda & William Arendt
Elias Armendariz
Janice & Gary Aspelin
Adriana Avina
Ed & Tina Ayers & Hanson
K.L. Bahn
Lou Baker
Kathryn & Thomas Barnard
Ashley Barrows
Barbara & John Barshes
Catherine & Kurt Bartley
Lynn & Robert Batton
Barbara Beggs
Kelly Biegler
Raymond Biery
Dror Biran
Brandon Bledsoe
Nancy & Bill Blinn
Loesje Blumberg
Elizabeth Blunt
Mark & Michele Boillotat
Gregg & Lorena Bordelon
Karen Borta
Pennie Boyett
Tina & Robert Brackeen
Michael Brand
Silvia Briceno
Rebecca & Robert Briggs
Camila Brock
Katherine Brown
Nancy Brown
Peggy & Patrick Brown
Doreen & Joe Bruner
Ray Bruner
Johnnie & Sue Bucek
Stephanie Buduhan
Jane Bui
Sarah & Brian Builta
Jim Burgess
Beverly Byers
Carlee & Jason Cain
Esther Calk
Mary Kay Canon
Nina Cardin
Katie Carlson
Doris Carney
Sandra Carr
Donald & Susan Cary
Wendy & Roger Casper-Duval
Madge Casselman
Alex & Kim Cathro
Chuck Chambers
Trisha Chambers
Charles Chapman
Carmen Charles
John Christie
Mary & Michael Cinatl
Dan & Debbie Clark
Shari & James Clark
David Coffee
Amy & Steven Cohen
Maida Coleman
Gayle Collier
Deborah & Bill Coppola
Robert Cox
Shirley & Troy Cox
Michelle Craven
Cory Crawford
Karin Crerar
Falah Zbidi & Leann Davidson
Marge & Robert Dawson
Michael & Barbara Deardorff
Doyle Deese
Kathryn Delaney
Manon Delorme
Arlene Derozier
Nancy & James Dickson
Marilyn Dietrich
Irene Difonso
Ellen Dill
Barbara & Bob Dinsmore
Laura & Al DiStefano
Sandi Dixon
Brittany Doering
Marc Donatelli
Julia Douglas
Gala Dubois
Wayne & Barbara Duehn
Mitzie & Daniel Duffy
Debra Duncan
Michael Dupont
Jane & David Eagleston
Grace Efuwape
Sonia & Ian Ellis
Sandra & Eugene Ellison
Judith Erwin
Fiorela Espinosa
Pamela Faletti
Laura & Gary Fancher
Diane Feldman
Ameenah Fisher
Michael & Suellen Floyd
Edward & Karen Flynn
Charles Foreman
William & Elizabeth Foreman
Ronald Forte
Anita Foster
Diane Foster
Beth & Charles Foushee
Melody Fowler
Kathy Fox-Powell
Denise Gage
Mauricio Galante
Nancy & Guy Garner
Oziel Garza
Loretta Gase
Natalie & Andrew Gaupp
Ruthann Geer
Carri Gentry
Janine Jarvela George Anderson
Mary German
Mike & Becky Gerro
Wade Girton
Timothy & Diana Gleason
Ted & Janice Gooch
David & Patricia Gouldy
Bryan Graham
Matthew Green
Frances & Charles Gregory
Nancy & Charles Grove
Dan Groves
Martha Halden
Steven Haley
Katherine Halwes
Stephen Hammond
Robert Hankins
Wayne & Virginia Hankins
Cheryl & R.M. Harris
Corey Harris
Lynn Harris
Jan Havins
Katie Hays
Holly Heid
Karen & Gary Heisterkamp
Evelyn Hellier
Joretta & Steve Herbst
William & Shirley Herzog
John & Jan Hesley
Joy Hilts
Bonnie Hodges
Elizabeth & John Hofer
Nancy & Edward Hohos
Dixon Holman
Michelle & Matt Holmes
Michael Honkomp
Sarah (Sally) Hopper
Sadie Horner
Karen Houters
Jan & David Humphry
Marlene Hutchison
Bob Ike
Zena Jackson
Sue & Joe Jimerson
Kathleen & Ronald Johnson
Lewis Johnson
Shelby Jones
Kathena Joseph
Milly Junkins
Audrey & Ryan Kearney
Harold Kelly
Sheryl Kenny
Margaret & Lonnie King
Wendy King
Lorie Kinler
Brittany & Jimmy Kinley
Jenifer & J.L. Kinley
Sarah Knotts
Pat Knowles
Amira Kobty
James & Audrey Koepp
Nancy Koslan
Calvin Kost
William Krahulik
Lalitha Krishnan
Donna Kuhlmann
Virginia & Hollis Lackey
Kay Lancaster
Ruth Lane
Chiciu Laurentiu
Debbie & Yuri Lavadour
Sue & James Lavender
Julia Lawlor
Manuel & Shawn LeBlanc
Margaret & Richard Lenz
Michelle Leverette
David Lewis
Janine & Jack Lewis
Lenore Lindsey
Robert Linnstaedt
Dakota Livingston
Jamie Locklin
Elsa Louis
Ronald Macleod
Susan Malone
Mary Jean & Tim Maloney
Elizabeth Manion
Kayleigh Marsh
Diana Marshall
David & Sharla Martin
Delbert & Sarah Martin
Heather & Myron Martinson
Richard Massouh
Peggy Masters
Scott May
Sheila & Charlie McAuley
Joy & C. Edward McClelen
Ellen McCollum
Kasey & Casey McCollum
Suzanne McCoy
Lisa McCulloch
Dean McCurry
Edward & Grace McDermott
James McDuff
Susan McDuff
Jamey Mcelligott
Suzanne & Daniel McElroy
Clare McGee
Vera Mckissic
Susan McLain
Linda & Mike McQuay
Marilyn Mego
Becky & Mike Meyers
James & Jennifer Mihills
Ellen Mishler
William Mitchell
Theresa Moffitt
Lisa & Scott Mohon
Tana Monaco
Jane Moore
Kathy Moore
Nesha & George Morey
Anne Morton
Karen Murayama
Julio Najera
Charles Neill
Jane & Robert Nicol
Vicki Niedermayer
Connie Nolen
Gloria Norman
Roger & Judith Northup
Steve Nuhn
Elzie & Ruby Odom
Dr. Barbara Odom-Wesley
John Olvera
Epsilon Omicron
Cynthia & Hal O’Neil
Gladys Onsongo
Marilyn Jane Oosterhuis
John Otto
Kristi & John Otto
Bodil Overtree
Vicki Oxner
Ellen Page
Shelli Parris
Robert & Tina Paulk
Arturo & Melina Pena
Julianna Perez
Joann & Ron Perry
Mark Perry
Mark & Aubin Petersen
Mike & Lynn Phillips
Ann Pickel
Gary & Judith Pickering
Donna Piercy
Paula Pierson
Catherine Pittard
Steve & Lori Plamondon
Jack Pond
Allen Powell
Allen & Leslie Qualman
Sheri & James Quick
Sarah Rabb
Michael Radtke
Christopher Rahmeh
Diane & Kent Rasmussen
Darlene Reagan
Charles & Judy Reck
Claire Reddig
Faye & Jim Reeder
Jill Regina
John & Sandra Reinhardt
Joanne & Don Remenapp
Aida Reyes
Debora Reyes
Homer & Joan Reynolds
Dustin Richardson
Jacquelyn Richardson
William & Debbie Richardson
Gloria & Akram Rihani
Marcia Rober
Sharon Walker Robert Cox
Georgia & Bryan Roberts
Karen Roberts
Lisa Rock
Dione Rowell
Dr. Di Ann Sanchez
Cheryl Sandoval
Donald & Kappie Sattler
Paula Schenck
Eleanor Schernbeck
Beth & Robert Schmidt
Kecia & John Schmidt
Helen Schrickel
Raj Sharma
Kim & Pat Shelton
Carolyn & Lt. Col. Jimmy, Ret. Sheppard Jr.
Holden Shipley
Lynda Shipman
Linda Shoemaker
Carolyn & Bob Sifferman
Kim Simpson
Joy Skowron
Andrea & Randall Smith
Ann & Francis Smith
Joan & Jim Smith
Marvin & Marilyn Smith
Stefen & Nancy Smith
Stephanie Smith
Lorna Snyder
Elizabeth Speer
Melissa Spence
David & Mary Spencer
Patrick & Susan Spoor
Alice Stacey
Steven R Standefer
John Steinbrenner
Joyce & Larry Stephenson
Karleigh Stewart TFIN
Jennifer Stone
Michael & Billie Stumbaugh
Steven Stuteville
John Gilbert & Susan Perry
Victoria & Chris Tanco
Juanita Taylor
Matilda Ann Terhune
Harold & Sandra Thomlinson
Patricia Thompson
Todd & Lara Thompson
Paula Thomson
Freda & Jack Thornton
Nancy Tice
Connie Toland
Mike Torok
Don & Brenda Tucker
Fred & Dixie Tucker
Lannie Tucker
Jim Turner
Mary & Luther Turner
Ann Turney
Debra Twumasi
Peggy Uribe
Donna Vernon
Brandy Voirin
Max Walton
Polly Walton
Cindy Warner
Dr. & Mrs Kirby Warren
Martha Warren
Robert & Lona Watkins
Mary Webster
Kay Welch
Robin Wheeler
Ann White
Ann & Ron White
Rebecca Wilbanks
Paul Wilhide
Chet Willey
Jeff Williams
Julie Williams
Kerry Williams
Nikki & Christopher Williams-Crowe
E.D. & Letha Willingham
Carol & Don Wilson
Beverly & Paul Windsor
Cheryl & Scott Wisch
Shelby & Sherry Wolfe
Stephen Wolff
Sherri Woods
Erwin Wooten
Linda Wright
Gary & Juanice Young
Roger & Diana Young
Joyce Zachry
Randolph Zalesak
Valarie Zito

Ahuja Family Foundation
Allied Federal Credit Union
All-Pro Fastners, Inc
Amegy Bank
American Online Giving
Anna W & Alexander P. Thornton Charitable Trust
Arch L. Ferguson Foundation
Arlington Highlands Rotary Club
Arlington Lodge No. 2114 B.P.O.E.
Arlington Navy Mothers Club #984
Arlington Senior Mens Club
Arlington Tomorrow Foundation
Atmos Energy Corporation
Baylor Scott & White Orthopedic and Spine Hospital
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
BOA Charitable Gift Fund
Calvary Baptist Church
Charity Storage, Inc
Cisco Electric Inc
Cornerstone Baptist Church
Coserv Charitable Foundation
Costco Wholesale #696
Daughters of Union Veterans
DFW SECC Metroplex Services
Donate 2 Impact
Dutch Bros LLC
First Christian Church
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Frost Bank
Give Lively Foundation
Grace Lutheran Church & School
Grand Lodge BPO Does
Ideal Floors
JBC Asset Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
King Foundation
Legacy Home Trust
Loop 9 BBQ LLC
Marketplace Insurance Exchange Group Inc
Men Serving God
MEP Energy Services-West, LLC
NALC Branch #2309
NARFE-Chapter 1201
Network For Good
New World United Methodist Church
North Texas Community Foundation
Northwest Christian Church
Oak Street Health Community Clinics
Pantego Christian Academy
Pantego Lions Foundation, Inc.
Paypal Charitable Giving Fund
Portillo’s Hot Dogs, LLC
Quanex Foundation
St. Barnabas United Methodist Church
St. John Cumberland Presbyterian
Tarrant County Community College
Texas Women’s Foundation
The Ben & Mary Doskocil Foundation
The Kroger Co.
The Murphy Family Trust
Union Pacific Foundation
United Methodist Church Of The Covenant
United Way of Tarrant County
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Youth Advocate Programs, Inc

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